How does Distance Learning Work?

First, you download an application, fill it in, select one course among many courses available, and send it to our registrar. Also, send any transcripts of courses taken at any other colleges or universities that may transfer. All communication is via email. Download an application by clicking the "application" button below.

You will receive an email informing you whether you have been accepted into the program and what credits may transfer. Pay your fee and then...

Within a few days you will receive an email from your professor with your course attached. Download it as a pdf and start working through the course material. Information is included about the design of the course, grading, and course requirements. The entire course is in one editable pdf package! The course is also available in E-Book format which requires a continuous internet connection. You will receive an email link for the E-Book format at the same time you receive your course in pdf format.

The course is delivered to you in editable PDF format or in E-book format. You can type directly into the course textbook or course workbook to fill in your review answers. For most courses, you will take three examinations in a course which also will be emailed to you and completed in the editable PDF and returned to your professor. In addition to the exams, you will have a 5-6 page research paper due at the end of most of the courses. It will take you about 40-50 hours of work to complete a course - depending on the credit level of the course. The goal is to complete the course within three months or less but you can go as fast as you desire.

Many of the courses are also available in E-Book format. This will require reading your textbook online. You will also be downloading a workbook in which to fill in your review questions and application sections. If you opt to take your courses using an E-Book, you will receive a link to the course information once you sign up for the course. The requirements for the course remain the same as the PDF format. Most of the courses in E-book format have dozens of embedded videos, online links, and photographs which enhance the learning experience. The e-books look like and function like a real physical book as you turn the pages.
Click this button to see a sample e-book

It couldn't be easier! You will learn the same information that we teach our resident students in the classroom at the university!
You can now get your Theology Degree from HOME at an affordable price!
Want more info?
To request an application, or to obtain more information or if you have questions, contact the registrar at Ambassador International University: AIU.DL@gospelink.org. He would be happy to assist you.
Be sure to include your full name, email address, and phone number with any correspondence.