Theology Degree. Anytime. Anywhere.
Ambassador International University has been training Africa's next generation of spiritual leaders since 2009. Students who have graduated from AIU with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology have gone on to serve the Lord in a variety of roles and locations.
Due to the high demand of AIU's offerings, AIU is now extending its curriculum to pastors and potential students, regardless of their location. Students can now enroll in the same quality courses offered to the resident students and can acquire the same certificates, diplomas, and degrees.
AIU makes it possible for students to grow in their knowledge and love for God's Word --- anytime and from anywhere!
Are distance learning courses right for you?
1. I am motivated.
2. I am self-disciplined and manage my time well.
3. I can read and understand English.
4. I have completed a high school (secondary) diploma.*
5. I have access to and am comfortable navigating the Internet.
6. I have an email address and can communicate through email with my professors.
7. I have the means to store digital material on a computer, tablet, or smart phone.
8. I am willing to express my opinions in writing.
9. I work well independently.
10. I want to actively participate in my education.
* High school diploma is not required for participation in the certificate program or high school student taking dual enrollment courses.

Want more info?
Here is additional information PLUS an application for the Distance Learning Program.....
Getting Started
How do I find out what online courses are available?
Listed below are the courses currently available, but we are adding new courses monthly. Download an application which has a list and detailed description for each course.
How do I take AIU courses online?
Distance learning courses are packaged and available for download on the Internet. Once downloaded, all course materials are available for offline study. Examinations will be completed on interactive PDF documents and submitted via email. You can also take your courses via E-Book format using the internet.
How long does each course take to complete?
Courses are completed at the students’ own pace and may be finished in as little as one month. AIU requires students to finish each course within a three-month period. An additional three-month extension is available for an additional fee course.
How much do online courses cost?
Please download an application to see the fee structure by clicking on the application button in the "Give me more information" page. There are no application fees or additional hidden fees. Course fees are non-refundable.
What if I need help?
Students are assigned a course professor to guide them through each course. Communication with course professors is via email or Zoom conferencing.
Courses Currently Available ....
Acts, Apologetics and World View, Basic English, Biblical Counseling I, Biblical Counseling II, Bible Doctrine Survey I, Bible Doctrines Survey II,, Bible Geography and Near East Studies, Bible Study Methods, Biblical Backgrounds, Bibliology, Biblical Ethics, Christ and Culture, Christology, Computer Basics - Research, Creationism, Creating Audio-Visual Presentations, Cults and Marginal Groups, English Composition and Grammar, Eschatology, Family Life, General Epistles, Gospel of John, Hebrews, Hermeneutics, Heroes of the Faith, History of Christianity I, History of Christianity II, History of Christianity-combined, Homiletics, Isaiah, Life of Christ - Harmony of the Gospels, Managing your Resources God's Way, Minor Prophets, New Testament Survey, Old Testament Survey, Pastoral Epistles, Pastoral Ministries, Pauline Epistles I, Pauline Epistles II, Pentateuch, Personal Spiritual Life, Pneumatology, Principles for Discipling Others, Principles of Leadership - Nehemiah, Progress of Redemption, Romans, Soteriology, Teaching Principles and Methods, Theology of Worship, The Church and Education, The Importance of Prayer, The Poetical Books, World Religions I - Islam, and World Religions II - Eastern Religions. and Youth Discipleship

You are free to download these samples of articles taken from the above courses which you will find extremely interesting....
Building the 3rd Jewish Temple (Life of Christ)
Giving to the Lord (Managing Your Resources)
How do you View the World? (Apologetics)
The King James Controversy (Bibliology)
The Learning Process (Teaching Principles)
Information: The Story of Life (Creationism)
What is Biblical Geography? (Bible Geography)
What's next in World History? (Church History)
Who, Was, and Is Jesus (Bible Doctrines Survey I)
Course Payment Instruction
Pay for a course once it has been confirmed your application has been accepted into the program and specific approval to select the course is given by the Registrar or Distance Learning Supervisor. All students accepted will receive a student ID number.
NOTE: All US students must submit payment on the Gospelink.org website rather than here.
NOTE: After each course description there is a number. This is the credits amount which is your guide for selecting the correct payment amount.